Thursday, August 9, 2012

The Search

Ever notice that when you're looking for information you have the empty, I can't believe it's done feeling when you find it?  I found that when I go on a rampage looking for something on the internet I'm sad when the first link turns up something useful.  I find it much more entertaining to have to tweak the search, trying to reword it in a way that will get exactly what I need.

The search for knowledge is not an actual destination, it's more of a wondering path through a woods or what can be happy place for some.  Granted, not everybody enjoys searching the internet with whichever method you want to search.  For some, finding information on the internet can be like a writer with writers block.  They get the "where do I start" line running over and over in there head until one of two things happen, they give up or they just start.  Once you break through and start you tend to look back and say to yourself that wasn't that bad, until you have to search again.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012


Still figuring out what this blog should be about, so on a random whim I'm going to go with writing about a random subject.  I would like to say daily, but time is precious and I will attempt to update as often as possible.

Today's random subject:  Is the Magic 8 Ball always right?

When I asked it today it replied, It is certain.  The thing is pretty confident in itself.  Unless of course, it is always right, then it would be right today, right?  Asking somebody if they are right or wrong will usually bring you an instant "I'm right" regardless of whether they ware right or wrong usually.  So, is the Magic 8 Ball showing signs of actual life, or is it pure dumb luck.

If the Magic 8 Ball is always right why don't people who trade stocks use it?   Or, why doesn't the government use it predict the direction of the country?  Wouldn't that just make life easy, or in other words, boring.  Perhaps the government is well aware of its power and has a clever campaign to disguise the fact that the Magic 8 Ball is all knowing.  Or perhaps knowing the answer isn't nearly as fun as guessing the answer and having the chance of being wrong?  Life is a gamble after all, why play it safe?

Thursday, March 15, 2012

First Blog

You can pretty much ignore this blog. I have decided to attempt to work on my writing ability for 30 minutes (give or take) a day.  The idea comes from an article on that stated you should try to learn something or become proficient at something by working at it 30 minutes a day.  I've always wanted to be a better writer, and to get better at something you need to do it, right?

Today is very unseasonably warm outside, like most of the country.  I'm sure there is people thinking that this is due to global warming, and on the same page, people loving global warming.  Random thought, what if this is the beginning of what the end of the Mayan calender really means?  What if the end of the calendar doesn't mean the end of the world, but a change in the seasons for the hemispheres? What I mean by this is the northern hemisphere with now have seasons like the southern and visa versa. 

This would really change the world in very unpredictable ways.  Farmers would have to re-learn the when to plant and when to harvest times.  Animals (which will most likely adapt better then humans) would need to change the migration and hibernation patterns, and might be a large lose of animal life for the first year or two.

This would also create some interesting situations.  Would the school years then change in the United States?  I would think in the modern era it may, since the children are not needed to work on the farm during the summer anymore and need something to occupy their time during the winter.  Maybe having "summer vacation"  during the winter would make more sense, so there is now snow days or issues with bad roads due to ice/snow.

Just a random thought, maybe more to come.