Wednesday, August 8, 2012


Still figuring out what this blog should be about, so on a random whim I'm going to go with writing about a random subject.  I would like to say daily, but time is precious and I will attempt to update as often as possible.

Today's random subject:  Is the Magic 8 Ball always right?

When I asked it today it replied, It is certain.  The thing is pretty confident in itself.  Unless of course, it is always right, then it would be right today, right?  Asking somebody if they are right or wrong will usually bring you an instant "I'm right" regardless of whether they ware right or wrong usually.  So, is the Magic 8 Ball showing signs of actual life, or is it pure dumb luck.

If the Magic 8 Ball is always right why don't people who trade stocks use it?   Or, why doesn't the government use it predict the direction of the country?  Wouldn't that just make life easy, or in other words, boring.  Perhaps the government is well aware of its power and has a clever campaign to disguise the fact that the Magic 8 Ball is all knowing.  Or perhaps knowing the answer isn't nearly as fun as guessing the answer and having the chance of being wrong?  Life is a gamble after all, why play it safe?

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